From a book review in today's Times by staff critic Dwight Garner:
This memoir has its small joys, for sure. The author confronts Keith Richards over his infamous allegation that Mick Jagger has a small penis. Ms. Robinson once lent Mr. Jagger a pair of sheer bikini underpants, in which he was photographed by Annie Leibovitz. Ms. Robinson tells Mr. Richards that Mr. Jagger "actually has quite a big one." He replies, "Mine's bigger."
Mr. Garner doesn't explain why he would find joy, large or small, in this anecdote, but it certainly is a fine example of the Times's ever-shifting definition of what constitutes news "fit to print."
Mr. Garner is the same book critic who has put references to masturbation in his Times writing three times in the past four years, so one starts to wonder if he's just playing some kind of game, testing the limits to see what his editors will allow into the paper.