The Times' ignorance about Brooklyn geography is one of the things that has exasperated me about the paper going back to when I first started writing Smartertimes nearly 13 years ago (examples from then are here, here, and here).
The latest example is a headline over an article in today's paper: "Vote This Week May Close a North Brooklyn Hospital."
The article is about Long Island College Hospital, which is in what the Times consistently describes as "the gentrifying Cobble Hill neighborhood."
Anyone familiar with Brooklyn knows that "North Brooklyn" is Williamsburg and Greenpoint, while "South Brooklyn" includes Cobble Hill. One could consult the book The Neighborhoods of Brooklyn, or even Wikipedia, for confirmation.
Is it too much to ask for some editor at the Times who saw this headline to understand this? Or do they all live on the Upper West Side or in Montclair, New Jersey? Whatever the reason, readers who live in Brooklyn and who are therefore interested in whether the hospital will close will recognize that the Times got the headline wrong (and also, for that matter, that Cobble Hill isn't "gentrifying," it's gentrified.