"Treasury Nominee Is Wall St. Outsider" is the headline over the New York Times article on the business section front about President Obama's choice of Jack Lew. Inside the paper, the jump headline says, "Obama Picks a Wall St. Outsider to Lead Treasury."
As the Times article itself makes clear about 14 paragraphs down, Mr. Lew's job before joining the Obama administration was at Citigroup, "first as managing director of Citi Global Wealth Management, and then as chief operating officer of Citigroup Alternative Investments." If that's a Wall Street "outsider" by the Times' definition, one wonders what a Wall Street "insider" looks like.
It looks like some Times editor agreed with me that this was a bad headline and ordered it changed. The print edition headline I am quoting was replaced in the online edition with a less opinionated, more accurate headline: "Obama's Pick for Treasury Is Said to Be His Chief of Staff."