An article in the national section of today's New York Times reports that Hillary Clinton considered buying the home of the Washington bureau chief of the New York Times. "This afternoon, Mrs. Clinton toured the home of Michael Oreskes, the Washington bureau chief of The New York Times, and his wife, Geraldine Baum, a Washington correspondent for The Los Angeles Times. The house, a single-family home in the Cleveland Park neighborhood, is listed at $1.7 million. But a person familiar with the search said Mrs. Clinton had found its layout wrong for her needs."
Well, good for the Times for disclosing this awkward situation. But why should Mrs. Clinton settle for merely the bureau chief's house in Cleveland Park? suggests that the senator-elect go all the way and have the newspaper's Washington bureau converted into living quarters for herself.
Note: Technical difficulties prevented updates to the Smartertimes Web site for the past few days. The Saturday, Sunday and Monday issues are available for those who missed them.