From a New York Times magazine article headlined, "Trump's Dream of a Border Wall, Twisted Into a Sci-Fi Nightmare" (yes, more than a year into the Biden administration, the Times is still having, or stoking, Trump nightmares):
As of 2015, for instance, a video game called Border Patrol had been played more than 12 million times on the website NerdNirvana. A rudimentary first-person shooter, Border Patrol invited players to place their cross hairs on three different kinds of cartoon characters: a "Mexican Nationalist" wearing a bandoleer, a tattooed "drug smuggler" in a wide sombrero and a pregnant "breeder" holding two children by the hands, one wearing a diaper, the other a little sombrero. The backdrop showed a river cutting through a cactus-dotted desert. The players' job was to shoot these brown-skinned characters as they tried to cross the river; each kill was recorded with a bloody splat. The "breeder" was worth more points, presumably because you also killed her children, born and unborn.
Aha. The Times has finally discovered an instance of when a fetus or an embryo isn't a "choice" but is an unborn child—when it belongs to an immigrant video-game character under fire from border patrol.
Perhaps it is part of a wider shift of the Times view on abortion rights or reproductive rights or whatever you prefer to call them. The Saturday New York Times also featured an above-the-fold front-page photo of the March for Life in Washington.