The new Congressional editor of the New York Times, Jonathan Weisman, had a recent Times article claiming that "Mr. Trump appears to have so little regard for or understanding of Congress."
That article appeared on page A2 of my edition of the Times.
The page one, lead headline in the same paper was "U.S. Ends Program Giving 'Dreamers' Legal Protection; Outcry Is Swift and Emotional, as Trump Tells Congress to Fix Immigration."
The headline across page A11 of the same paper was "Trump May Leave Final Iran Nuclear Deal Decision to Congress."
Trump may have "so little regard for" Congress, but the Times itself is reporting that he is giving it responsibility for two matters — immigration law and a treaty involving Iran — that President Obama had arrogated to the executive branch notwithstanding the Constitution.
On the basis of those two things, at least, it appears to me that Mr. Trump has a higher regard for Congress than his predecessor did. Mr. Weisman's comment is more telling about his own regard for or understanding of Mr. Trump than it is about Mr. Trump's regard for or understanding of Congress.