From the "Metropolitan Diary" column of today's New York Times:
Sun (not his real name) is a talented singer and rising star whom I hit up on Twitter (where all modern romances begin) to see if I could set up an interview. We exchanged phone numbers and quickly became online friends.
While I was in New York last month, we linked up, went back to my Airbnb and did the whole "Netflix and chill" thing, which ended where you expect it would, with sex. Really good, toe-curling sex.
Is this "all the news that's fit to print"? Is this what has become of what was once a serious newspaper? It has turned into a place where readers can send in sex stories featuring fake names and have them printed? Is there no editor of the paper who is embarrassed by this sort of thing or who thinks the space might be better used for something else, like, you know, actual journalism?