A Times "Upshot" article by Josh Barro interviews several economists about the possible effects of Jeb Bush's proposed tax plan on economic growth. The article includes this passage:
"This is four smart people who made an educated guess based on looking at other models," said Joel Slemrod, a public finance economist at the University of Michigan. "If I had to pick a number, I would have picked a lower number."
Of all the possible economists the Times could have chosen to include, they picked Professor Slemrod. I'm pretty sure that his son is Jonathan Slemrod, who is policy director of Marco Rubio's presidential campaign. Professor Slemrod's views or comments on Jeb Bush's tax plan probably are not colored by his son's job with the campaign of a competing Republican presidential candidate, but even so, you'd think this might be the sort of thing the Times might want to either disclose to its readers or take into account in choosing whose comments to include in the story, no?