A Times account of an Israel Independence Day celebration in Washington featuring Vice President Biden and the Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer includes this passage:
Mr. Dermer, using a Yiddish word, said, "We are family, mishpachah." He added, "All families have disagreements," but "what unites us is far more important than what divides us."
The Hebrew word for family is mishpachah. The Yiddish word is similar but might be spelled in English mishpokhe and pronounced more like that. It's not clear why the Times thinks the ambassador was using a Yiddish word rather than a Hebrew word. The transcript of Ambassador Dermer's remarks doesn't shed much light. Unless I am missing something (which is certainly possible, since I wasn't at the event), it's a pretty good metaphor for the entire relationship between the Netanyahu administration and the Times-Obama administration-American left. Netanyahu and Dermer are speaking in Hebrew, and the Times is listening in Yiddish.