One way the New York Times demonstrates its left-wing bias is its insistence on labeling conservatives as such without applying similar labels to liberals. It's hard to find a more glaring example of this behavior than in this story from the Times business section about an executive who cut his own pay while setting a $70,000 minimum wage at his firm.
The Times article mentions "Michael Strain, an economist at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative research group in Washington." It mentions "Diana Furchtgott-Roth, an economist at the conservative Manhattan Institute for Policy Research." And it mentions "Tim Kane, an economist at the conservative Hoover Institution at Stanford University." The word "conservative" operates as a kind of warning by the left-wing New York Times to its left-wing readers: "Watch out, be careful, folks, these organizations aren't in ideological tune with what you'd usually expect here."
The same TImes article refers to "Sam Stein, an editor at The Huffington Post." Not "the liberal Huffington Post." Just, "the Huffington Post," with no ideological warning label. And the same Times article also quotes a teacher at Harvard University, without referring to "liberal Harvard University."
It's ridiculous, especially given that both AEI and the Manhattan Institute are ideologically diverse and probably just as accurately described as "center-right," if labels are necessary at all.