From an article in the New York Times Magazine, about the Thomas Guide and driving in Los Angeles:
Out-of-town visitors to Los Angeles like to say things like "driving here is a sport." But really, it's an art. It's an art that requires intuition, patience and a sense of the topography of the region. It means knowing that no matter where you are, there are mountains to the north and an ocean to the west. It means being able to peer into the souls of other drivers and knowing, with almost supernatural certainty, which ones are Grade A jerks who are seconds away from cutting you off in traffic. (Put another way, that means being able to identify newer-model BMWs.)
So everyone who drives a newer-model BMW is a "Grade A jerk"?
Funny, no ads from BMW in this Sunday's Times Magazine.
Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. once spoke about buying a BMW motorcycle. Does that make him a "Grade A jerk"?
Seems like a cheap shot to me.