From a dispatch from Paris about Marine Le Pen, "the charismatic and complicated leader of the National Front, the largest far-right party in France.":
As the rally in Perpignan ended, people thronged to the stage to greet Ms. Le Pen in person.
Matthieu, 25, an unemployed man wearing black jeans and a black jacket who declined to give his last name, looked at Ms. Le Pen admiringly as she held a baby in one arm.
"She's still so sincere — she's a person of conviction," he said. "We need to go back and revive national patriotism a bit."
If this guy "declined to give his last name," maybe the Times could have declined to quote him. He has no particular expertise or specialized knowledge. If the point is to just get colorful quotes from random Le Pen followers, a little more persistence or patience by the Times reporter might have paid off by finding one of them who was willing to give his or her full first and last name.