A Times editorial about the problem-plagued state ObamaCare websites accuses Republicans of "harassing state officials with requests for information about the salaries and vacation time of directors of the state exchanges." The editorial is headlined "harassment of troubled state exchanges."
There may be a point at which oversight of wasteful public expenditures crosses the line into "harassment," but the Times provides no evidence to support its claim that the line has been crossed. In fact, plenty of nonpartisan news reporters and even Democratic politicians are curious about how these state web sites were so badly botched. If merely asking questions about failed projects that consume tens of millions of taxpayer dollars amounts to "harassment," it's enough to make one wonder about whether the Times thinks that checks and balances and accountability apply only to Republican projects. If the failed project had been, say, a missile defense program, you can bet the Times would be cheering these "requests for information" rather than harrumphing about harassment.