"Economy and Crime Spur New Puerto Rican Exodus; High Taxes, Prices and Joblessness Driving Many in Middle Class to Mainland" is the headline at the top of the Sunday New York Times front page. It's a welcome acknowledgment by the Times of the reality that talent and capital are mobile and respond to incentives.
Some Times reporters and editors, ostrich-like, still have their heads in the sand, however. In Monday's Times, a news article by Thomas Kaplan about Governor Cuomo's plan for modest tax reductions includes the assertion, "Some studies dispute the claim that wealthy individuals flee high-tax states." That sentence contains a hyperlink to a single study, the executive summary of which acknowledges, "a few affluent households might leave a state because their income taxes are increased...It would not be credible to argue that no one ever moves to a new state because of the desire to live someplace where taxes are lower." In other words, the sentence in Mr. Kaplan's article inaccurately describes the study that the online version of the article links to.