From a Times news article about "a highly respected figure in the vegetarian and vegan movements" who died after collapsing while jogging in Prospect Park:
His case was publicized in the news media, after the police asked for help identifying him, and among runners when a doctor at the hospital mentioned him to a staff member at JackRabbit Sports, a popular hub for runners in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
"It didn't seem as though he was someone who was homeless," said the doctor, a regular JackRabbit customer who asked not to be named because he was concerned he had violated privacy laws by speaking about Mr. Berry. "So you sort of get a sense of, 'Gee, he belongs to somebody.' "
The seeming casualness with which the Times conceals the identity of a doctor who by his own account is concerned that he is violating privacy laws by discussing a patient with a reporter is troubling. Here we had been under the apparently mistaken impression that journalists are supposed to investigate doctors who break the law, not encourage them by agreeing to conceal their identity.