After a front-of-the-arts section feature December 24 about producer John Goldwyn ("John Goldwyn's grandfather was the G in MGM...As royal Hollywood families go, the Goldwyns are the real deal") the Times piles on with a 2,000-word front-of-the-Sunday Styles section feature about Liz Goldwyn ("Liz Goldwyn is, in fact, a film-world royal — her grandfather was the Hollywood kingpin Samuel Goldwyn").
Is there some public relations agent in the Goldwyn family office pushing this "royal" story line? If not, how does the Times just happen to roll out 3,000 words of breathless royal gushiness about Goldwyns in two pieces in two weeks? Is it a case of one section not knowing what another section was up to? I could maybe see pairing the pieces and running them together or spacing them out more and running them separately. But as it was done, it just looks sort of strange.