Paul Krugman's editorial page column today cheers on higher taxes: "surely this is exactly the sort of thing we should be doing: Taxing the ever-richer rich, at least a bit, to expand opportunity for the children of the less fortunate."
Fine, it's the opinion page. Check out the national news section, where the Times coverage of Texas is provided by the left-leaning non-profit news organization The Texas Tribune, and there is a column by Ross Ramsey, the executive editor of the Texas Tribune, arguing that unless Texas raises taxes, it's going to be stuck with gravel roads instead of paved roads.
I can take Professor Krugman, at least on most days, on the theory that it's the opinion page, and the Times has a couple of less-left-wing opinion page columnists to balance him out. But where's the less-left-wing non-profit that's supplying the Times national section with Texas news coverage? If it exists, it's not in the Times.